Hibernating Rhinos PracticesIntro
I was asked to comment a bit on our internal practices in Hibernating Rhinos. Before I can do that, I have to explain about how we are structured.
- The development team in Israel compose the core of the company.
- There are additional contractors that do work in Poland, the states and the UK.
We rarely make distinctions between locations for work, although obviously we have specializations. Samuel is our go to guy for “Make things pretty” and “Silverlight hairloss”, for example, Arek is the really good in pointing to the right direction when there is a problem, and so on.
We currently have the following projects in place:
- RavenDB
- Uber Profiler
- RavenFS
- License / Orders Management
- RavenDB.Net
- HibernatingRhinos.com
- ayende.com
Note that this is probably a partial list. And you might have noticed that I also included internal stuff, because that is also work, and something that we do.
In general, there isn’t a lot of “you work on this, or you work on that”, although again, there are areas of specialization. Fitzchak has been doing a lot of the work on Uber Prof, and Daniel is spending a lot of time on the RavenDB Studio. That doesn’t mean that tomorrow you wouldn’t find Fitzchak hacking on RavenDB indexes or Pawel working on exporting the profiler data to excel, and so on.
Next, I’ll discuss how we deal with the development workflow.
More posts in "Hibernating Rhinos Practices" series:
- (22 Feb 2013) A Sample Project
- (06 Feb 2013) Design
- (05 Feb 2013) Pairing, testing and decision making
- (04 Feb 2013) We are hiring again
- (31 Jan 2013) Development Workflow
- (30 Jan 2013) Intro
Quick question. How do you get contractors from other countries? Let's say one wants to become one. How does that happen?
Jiggaboo, Mostly by referral, by someone that I already know. Sometimes we need someone with a particular skill, and we reach out and get someone, and if it work out, we keep them.
I wonder, how did you get people from Poland ?
Maciek, Complex :-) I was working with a guy from the states, and he recommended the Poland guys, they are great, so we continued working with them
Thanks for the response. I was just wondering, because I live in Poland and I know a few guys from .NET society, and I didn't know some of them may work for you :)
And how did this guy knew them? I'm also from Poland and sooner or later I'm working for you ;)
Jiggaboo, Previous projects, I assume. Ping my email, we can talk.
I don't think I'm ready for your standards. I don't own/commit to any open source projects. I know you don't believe it but just don't have time after work. Plus to me you are alien when it comes to programming ;)
But maybe some day I'll be ready...
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