Midbook pattern crisis: Do NOT reach for that pattern

time to read 4 min | 791 words

From a question in the mailing list:

How do you do to "rollback" an entity state supposing the following scenario.

public JsonResult Reschedule(string id, DateTime anotherDate)
                var dinner = session.Load<Dinner>(id);

                return Json(new { Message = "Bon apetit!" });
            catch (DinnerConcurrencyException ex) 
                return Json(new { Message = ex.Message });

// Base controller
protected void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) 
      if(filterContext.Exception != null)

The problem that I have is when the schedulerService throws a DinnerConcurrencyException, it is catched at the controller.

After all, the OnActionExecuted will call SaveChanges and persist the dinner with an invalid state.

The next post was:

I have already tried to use Memento Pattern like this:

    var dinner = session.Load<Dinner>(id);

    return Json(new { Message = "Bon apetit!" });
catch (DinnerConcurrencyException ex) 
    dinner = dinner.RestoreState();
    return Json(new { Message = ex.Message });

But didn't work, beacuse I think Raven has proxied my dinner instance.

And here is the Memento implementation:

public abstract class Entity
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

    public void SaveState()
        new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(stream, this);

    public T RestoreState<T>()
        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        object o = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(stream);

        return (T)o;

You might notice that this create a new instance when you call RestoreState, and that has no impact whatsoever on the actual instance that is managed by RavenDB.

The suggested solution?

catch (DinnerConcurrencyException ex) 
    SkipCallingSaveChanges = true;
    return Json(new { Message = ex.Message });

No need for patterns here.