Oren Eini

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time to read 7 min | 1202 words

On my previous post, I explained about the value of pushing as much as possible to the infrastructure, and then show some code that showed how to do so. First, let us look at the business level code:

public ActionResult Register(string originUnlocode, string destinationUnlocode, DateTime arrivalDeadline)
    var trackingId = ExecuteCommand(new RegisterCargo
        OriginCode = originUnlocode,
        DestinationCode = destinationUnlocode,
        ArrivalDeadline = arrivalDeadline

    return RedirectToAction(ShowActionName, new RouteValueDictionary(new { trackingId }));

public class RegisterCargo : Command<string>
    public override void Execute()
        var origin = Session.Load<Location>(OriginCode);
        var destination = Session.Load<Location>(DestinationCode);

        var trackingId = Query(new NextTrackingIdQuery());

        var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(origin, destination, ArrivalDeadline);
        var cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);

        Result = trackingId;

    public string OriginCode { get; set; }

    public string DestinationCode { get; set; }

    public DateTime ArrivalDeadline { get; set; }

And the infrastructure code, now:

protected void Default_ExecuteCommand(Command cmd)
    cmd.Session = Session;

protected TResult Default_ExecuteCommand<TResult>(Command<TResult> cmd)
    ExecuteCommand((Command) cmd);
    return cmd.Result;

You might have noticed a problem in the way we are named things, the names on the action and the infrastructure code do not match. What is going on?

Well, the answer is quite simple. Let us look at how our controller looks like ( at least, the important parts ):

public class AbstractController : Controller
    public ISession Session;

    public Action<Command> AlternativeExecuteCommand { get; set; }
    public Func<Command, object> AlternativeExecuteCommandWithResult { get; set; }

    public void ExecuteCommand(Command cmd)
        if (AlternativeExecuteCommand!= null)

    public TResult ExecuteCommand<TResult>(Command<TResult> cmd)
        if (AlternativeExecuteCommandWithResult != null)
            return (TResult)AlternativeExecuteCommandWithResult(cmd);
        return Default_ExecuteCommand(cmd);

    protected void Default_ExecuteCommand(Command cmd)
        cmd.Session = Session;

    protected TResult Default_ExecuteCommand<TResult>(Command<TResult> cmd)
        return cmd.Result;

What?! You do mocking by hand and inject them like that? That is horrible! It is much easier to use a mocking framework and ….

Yes, it would be, if I was trying to mocking different things all the time. But given that I have very few abstractions, it make sense to not only build this sort of infrastructure, but to also build infrastructure for those things _in the tests_.

For example, let us write the test for the action:

public void WillRegisterCargo()
  ExecuteAction<CargoAdminController>( c=> c.Register("US", "UK", DateTime.Today) );
  Assert.IsType<RegisterCargo>( this.ExecutedCommands[0] );

Lego-mob 2The ExecuteAction method belongs to the test infrastructure, and it setups the controller to be run under the test scenario. Which allows me to not execute the command, but to actually get it.

From there, it is very easy to get to things like:

public void WillCreateNewCargoWithNewTrackingId()
  ExecuteCommand<RegisterCargo>( new RegisterCargo
    OriginCode = "US",
    DestinationCode= "UK",
    ArrivalDeadline = DateTime.Today
  var cargo = Session.Load<Cargo>("cargos/1");
  Assert.Equal("abc", cargo.TrackingId);

This is important, because now what you are testing is the actual interaction. You don’t care about any of the actual dependencies, we just abstracted them out, but without creating ton of interfaces, abstractions on top of abstractions or any of that.

In fact, we kept the number of abstractions to a minimum, and we can change pretty much every part of the system with very little fear of cascading change.

We have similar lego pieces, all of them move together and interact with one another with complete freedom, and we don’t have to have a Abstract Factory Factory Façade Factory.

time to read 3 min | 547 words

In my previous post, I discussed actual refactoring to reduce abstraction, and I showed two very interesting methods, Query() and ExecuteCommand(). Here is the code in question:

public ActionResult Register(string originUnlocode, string destinationUnlocode, DateTime arrivalDeadline)
    var trackingId = ExecuteCommand(new RegisterCargo
        OriginCode = originUnlocode,
        DestinationCode = destinationUnlocode,
        ArrivalDeadline = arrivalDeadline

    return RedirectToAction(ShowActionName, new RouteValueDictionary(new { trackingId }));

public class RegisterCargo : Command<string>
    public override void Execute()
        var origin = Session.Load<Location>(OriginCode);
        var destination = Session.Load<Location>(DestinationCode);

        var trackingId = Query(new NextTrackingIdQuery());

        var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(origin, destination, ArrivalDeadline);
        var cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);

        Result = trackingId;

    public string OriginCode { get; set; }

    public string DestinationCode { get; set; }

    public DateTime ArrivalDeadline { get; set; }

What are they so important? Mostly because those methods [and similar, like Raise(event) and ExecuteLater(task)] are actually the back bone of the application. They are the infrastructure on top of which everything rests.

Those methods basically accept an argument (and optionally return a value). Their responsibility are:

  • Setup the given argument so it can run.
  • Execute it.
  • Return the result (if there is one).

Here is an example showing how to implement ExecuteCommand:

protected void Default_ExecuteCommand(Command cmd)
    cmd.Session = Session;

protected TResult Default_ExecuteCommand<TResult>(Command<TResult> cmd)
    ExecuteCommand((Command) cmd);
    return cmd.Result;

I have code very much like that in production, because I know that in this system, there are actually only one or two dependencies that a command may want.

There are very few other dependencies, because of the limited number of abstractions that we have. This makes things very simple to write and work with.

Because we abstract away any dependency management, and because we allow only very small number of abstractions, this works very well. The amount of complexity that you have is way down, code reviewing this is very easy, because there isn’t much to review, and it all follows the same structure. The implementation of the rest are pretty much the same thing.

There is just one thing left to discuss, because it kept showing up on the comments for the other posts. How do you handle testing?

time to read 11 min | 2032 words

So in my previous post I spoke about this code and the complexity behind it:

public class CargoAdminController : BaseController
  public ActionResult Register(
      [ModelBinder(typeof (RegistrationCommandBinder))] RegistrationCommand registrationCommand)
      DateTime arrivalDeadlineDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(registrationCommand.ArrivalDeadline, RegisterDateFormat,

      string trackingId = BookingServiceFacade.BookNewCargo(
          registrationCommand.OriginUnlocode, registrationCommand.DestinationUnlocode, arrivalDeadlineDateTime

      return RedirectToAction(ShowActionName, new RouteValueDictionary(new {trackingId}));

In this post, I intend to show how we can refactor things. I am going to do that by flattening the architecture, removing useless abstractions and creating a simpler, easier to work with system.

The first thing to do is to refactor the method signature:

public ActionResult Register(string originUnlocode, string destinationUnlocode, DateTime arrivalDeadline)

Those are three parameters that we need, there is no need to create a model binder, custom command, etc just for this. For that matter, if you already have a model binder, why on earth do you store the date as a string, and not a date time. The framework is quite happy to do the conversion for me, and if it can’t, I can extend the infrastructure to do so. I don’t need to patch this action with date parsing code.

Next, we have this notion of booking a new cargo, looking at the service, that looks like:

public string BookNewCargo(string origin, string destination, DateTime arrivalDeadline)
        TrackingId trackingId = BookingService.BookNewCargo(
            new UnLocode(origin),
            new UnLocode(destination),
        return trackingId.IdString;
    catch (Exception exception)
        throw new NDDDRemoteBookingException(exception.Message);

The error handling alone sets my teeth on edge. Also, note that we have a complex type for TrackingId, which contains just a string (there is a lot of code there for IValueObject<T>, comparison, etc), all of which basically go away if you use an actual string. The same is true for UnLocode (UN Location Code, I assume), but at least this one has some validation code in it.

Then there is the lovely forwarding call, which translate to:

public TrackingId BookNewCargo(UnLocode originUnLocode,
                               UnLocode destinationUnLocode,
                               DateTime arrivalDeadline)
    using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
        TrackingId trackingId = cargoRepository.NextTrackingId();
        Location origin = locationRepository.Find(originUnLocode);
        Location destination = locationRepository.Find(destinationUnLocode);

        Cargo cargo = CargoFactory.NewCargo(trackingId, origin, destination, arrivalDeadline);

        logger.Info("Booked new cargo with tracking id " + cargo.TrackingId);

        return cargo.TrackingId;

And now we got somewhere, we actually have something there that is actually meaningful. I’ll skip going deeper, I am pretty sure that you can understand what is going on.

From my point of view of the common abstractions in an application:

  1. Controllers
  3. Entities
  4. Commands
  5. Tasks
  6. Events
  7. Queries

Controllers are at the boundaries of the system, they orchestrate the entire system behavior. Note that I have no place for services or repositories in this list. That is quite intentional. Instead of going that route.

Take a look at the code that I ended up with:

 public ActionResult Register(string originUnlocode, string destinationUnlocode, DateTime arrivalDeadline)
     var origin = Session.Load<Location>(originUnlocode);
     var destination = Session.Load<Location>(destinationUnlocode);

     var trackingId = Query(new NextTrackingIdQuery());

     var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(origin, destination, arrivalDeadline);
     var cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);

     return RedirectToAction(ShowActionName, new RouteValueDictionary(new {trackingId}));

As you can see, the entire architecture was collapsed into a single method.

And what kind of abstractions do we have here?

Well, we have the usual things from MVC, Controller, Action, parameter binding.

We have the session that we are using to load data by id, and to store the newly create cargo.

And we have the notion of a query. Generating a new TrackingID is a query that happen on the database (actually implemented as a hilo sequence). That is something that is definitely not the responsibility of the controller action, so we moved it into a query. Note that we have the Query() method there. It is defined as:

protected TResult Query<TResult>(Query<TResult> query)

And NextTrackingIdQuery is defined as:

public class NextTrackingIdQuery : Query<string>

Pretty simple, overall. And I can hear the nitpickers climb over the fences, waving the pitchforks and torches. “What happen when you need to reuse this logic? It is not in the UI and …”

There are a couple of things to note here.

First, there isn’t anywhere else that needs to book a cargo. And saying “and what happen when…” flies right into a wall of people shouting YAGNI.

Second, let us assume that there is such a need, to reuse the booking cargo scenario. How would we approach this?

Well, we can encapsulate the logic for the controller inside a Command. Which gives us:

public ActionResult Register(string originUnlocode, string destinationUnlocode, DateTime arrivalDeadline)
    var trackingId = ExecuteCommand(new RegisterCargo
        OriginCode = originUnlocode,
        DestinationCode = destinationUnlocode,
        ArrivalDeadline = arrivalDeadline

    return RedirectToAction(ShowActionName, new RouteValueDictionary(new { trackingId }));

And then we have the actual RegisterCargo command:

public abstract class Command
    public IDocumentSession Session { get; set; }
    public abstract void Execute();

    protected TResult Query<TResult>(Query<TResult> query);
public abstract class Command<T> : Command
    public T Result { get; protected set; }

public class RegisterCargo : Command<string>
    public override void Execute()
        var origin = Session.Load<Location>(OriginCode);
        var destination = Session.Load<Location>(DestinationCode);

        var trackingId = Query(new NextTrackingIdQuery());

        var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(origin, destination, ArrivalDeadline);
        var cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);

        Result = trackingId;

    public string OriginCode { get; set; }

    public string DestinationCode { get; set; }

    public DateTime ArrivalDeadline { get; set; }

Note that the Command class also have a way to execute queries, in fact, it is the exact same way that we use when we had the code in the controller. We just moved stuff around, not really made any major change, but we can easily start using the same functionality in another location.

I generally don’t like doing this because most functionality is not reused, it is specific for a particular place and scenario, but I wanted to show how you can lift some part of the code and move it to a different location, otherwise people would complain about the “lack of reuse opportunities”.

On my next post I am going to talk about the Query() and ExecuteCommand() methods, and why they are so important.

time to read 3 min | 453 words

When I started out, I pointed out that I truly dislike this type of architecture:


And I said that I much rather an architecture that has a far more limited set of abstractions, and I gave this example:

  1. Controllers
  3. Entities
  4. Commands
  5. Tasks
  6. Events
  7. Queries

That is all nice in theory, but let us talk in practice, shall we? How do we actually write code that actually uses this model?

Let us show some code that uses this type of code, this type, this is from the C# port of the same codebase, available here.

public class CargoAdminController : BaseController
  public ActionResult Register(
      [ModelBinder(typeof (RegistrationCommandBinder))] RegistrationCommand registrationCommand)
      DateTime arrivalDeadlineDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(registrationCommand.ArrivalDeadline, RegisterDateFormat,

      string trackingId = BookingServiceFacade.BookNewCargo(
          registrationCommand.OriginUnlocode, registrationCommand.DestinationUnlocode, arrivalDeadlineDateTime

      return RedirectToAction(ShowActionName, new RouteValueDictionary(new {trackingId}));

Does this looks good to you? Here is what is actually going on here.


You can click on this link look at what is going in here (and I removed some stuff for clarity’s sake.

This stuff is complex, more to the point, it doesn’t read naturally, it is hard to make a change without modifying a lot of code. This is scary.

We have a lot of abstractions here, services and repositories and facades and what not. (Mind, each of those thing is an independent abstraction, not a common one.)

In my next post, I’ll show how to refactor this to a much saner model.

time to read 3 min | 582 words

One of the major advantages of limiting the number of abstractions you have is that you end up with a lot less “infrastructure” code. This is in quote because a lot of the time I see this type of code doing things like this:

public class BookingServiceImpl : IBookingService  

  public override IList<Itinerary> RequestPossibleRoutesForCargo(TrackingId trackingId)
    Cargo cargo = cargoRepository.Find(trackingId);

    if (cargo == null)
      return new List<Itinerary>();

    return routingService.FetchRoutesForSpecification(cargo.routeSpecification());

I don’t want to see stuff like that. Instead, I want to be able to go into any piece of code and figure out by what it is what it must be doing. All my code follow fairly similar patterns, and the only differences that I have are actual business differences.

Here is the list of common abstractions that I gave before, this time, I am going to go over each one and explain it.

  1. Controllers – Stand at the edge of the system and manage interaction with the outside world. Can be MVC controllers, MVVM models, WCF Services.
  2. Views  - The actual UI logic that is being executed. Can be MVC views, XAML, or real UI code (you know, that old WinForms stuff Smile).
  3. Entities – Data that is being persisted.
  4. Commands – A packaged command to do something that will execute immediately. (Usually invoked by controllers).
  5. Tasks – A packaged execution that will be execute at a later point in time (usually async), after the current operation have completed.
  6. Events – Something that happened in the system that is interesting and require action. Common place for business logic and interaction.
  7. Queries – Packaged query to be executed immediately. Usually only fairly complex ones gets promoted to an actual query object.

There might be a few others in your system, but for the most part, you would see those types of things over and over and over again.

Oh, sure, you might have other things as well, but those should be rare. If you need to display things in multiple currency interacting with a currency service is something that you would need to often, by all means, make it easy to do (how you do that is usually not important), but the important thing to remember is that those sort of things are one off, and they should remain one off, not the way you structure the entire app.

The reason this is important is that once you have this common infrastructure and shape (for lack of a better word), you can start working in a very rapid pace, without being distracted, and making changes becomes easy. All of your architecture is going through the same central pipes, shifting where they are going is easy to do. You don’t have to drag a rigid system made of a lot of small individual pieces, after all.

time to read 3 min | 550 words

imageOn my last post, I outlined the major abstractions that I tend to use in my applications.

  1. Controllers
  3. Entities
  4. Commands
  5. Tasks
  6. Events
  7. Queries

I also said that I like Tasks much more than Commands and I’ll explain that in the future. When talking about tasks, I usually talk about something that is based on this code. This give us the ability to write code such as this:

public class AssignCargoToRoute : BackgroundTask
  public Itinerary Itinerary { get;set; }
  TrackingId TrackingId { get;set; }

  public override void Execute()

On the face of it, this is a very similar to what we have had before. So why am I so much in favor of tasks rather than commands?

Put simply, the promises that they make are different.  A command will execute immediately, this is good when we are encapsulating common or complex piece of logic. We give it a meaningful name and move on with our lives.

The problem is that in many cases, executing immediately is something that we don’t want. Why is that?

Well, what happen if this can take a while? What if this requires touching a remote resource (one that can’t take part of our transaction)? What happen if we want this to execute, but only if the entire operation have been successful? How do we handle errors? What happen when the scenario calls for a complex workflow? Can I partially succeed in what I am doing? Can you have a compensating action if some part fail? All of those scenarios basically boil down to “I don’t want to execute it now, I want the execution to be managed for me”.

Thing about the scenario that we actually have here. We need to assign a cargo to a route. But what does that means? In the trivial example, we do that by updating some data in our local database. But in real world scenario, something like that tends to be much more complex. We need to calculate shipping charges, check manifest, verify that we have all the proper permits, etc. All of that takes time, and usually collaboration with external systems.

For the most part, I find that real world systems requires a lot more tasks than commands. Mostly because it is actually rare to have complex interaction inside your own system. If you do, you have to be cautious that you aren’t adding too much complexity. It is the external interactions that tends to makes life… interesting.

This has implications on how we are building the system, because we don’t assume immediate execution and the temporal coupling that comes with it.

time to read 4 min | 630 words

Let us take a look at another part of the DDD sample application. This time, the booking service.


One thing that is really glaring at me is that we have a mix of both commands and queries in this interface. Also, just consider the name. It is a Booking service, but it doesn’t actually seem to have an actual meaning in the application itself. There is no entity named Booking, and except for the BookNewCargo, there is no mention of booking anywhere in the application.

You know what, maybe there is logic in the RequestPossibleRoutesForCargo that is actually meaningful beyond a simple query. Such as charging the customer for the calculation, or reserving space on the route that we selected, etc.

At any rate, I don’t like this service at all. In fact, any time that you have something that is called XyzService, you ought to suspect it.  Let me take this one step further. I don’t like that it is an interface, and I don’t like how it is composed. I don’t see it as an independent thing. Going further than that, I don’t really see a reason why we would need an interface here. You might have noticed what the title of this series is. I want to limit abstraction, and IBookingService is an abstraction, one that I don’t see any value in.

In most applications, I like to have a very small number of abstractions. Usually in the order of half a dozen to a dozen (top!). I usually think about them like this:

  1. Controllers
  3. Entities
  4. Commands
  5. Tasks
  6. Events
  7. Queries

Sometimes you have a few more, but those are the major ones. Controllers,Views and Entities are fairly obvious, I would imagine. But what about the rest?

Command is a package “thing” that happen immediately. Tasks are very like commands, except that they don’t have an explicit execution date and Events allow you to build smarts into the system. We have already seen how I handle events, in the previous posts in this series. And Queries should be fairly obvious as well.

Let us tackle Commands now, and then explain why they are bad later on.

When I said that I don’t want abstractions, I meant that I don’t want an interface and an implementation, and some way to connect the two, etc. I don’t really see a lot of value in that for the common case.

Let us break it apart into commands, which would give us this:

public class AssignCargoToRoute : Command
  public Itinerary Itinerary { get;set; }
  TrackingId TrackingId { get;set; }

  public override void Execute()

public class BookNewCargo : Command
  public UnLocode Origin {get;set;}
  public UnLocode Destination { get;set; }
  public DateTime ArrivalDeadline {get;set;}

  public TrackingId Result {get;set;}
  public override void Execute()

I am very fond in having a base class for those types of things. The base class provide me with the infrastructure support for the command in question.

In my next post, I’ll go over why I don’t like this approach, and discuss other ways to structure things so it is more suitable for an actual application.

time to read 5 min | 875 words

In my last post, I mentioned that this is actually an event processing system, so we might as well use actual event processing and see what we can gain out of this. I chose to use RX (reactive extensions), which can turn a series of events into a linq statement. This is incredibly powerful, and has some interesting implications when you combine this with your architecture. In particular, let us see what we can get when we set out to replace this with RX based event processing style.


We can get to something like this very easily:

public class CargoProcessor : EventsProcessor
    public CargoProcessor()
        On<Cargo>(cargos =>
            from cargo in cargos
            where cargo.Delivery.Misdirected
            select MisdirectedCargo(cargo)

        On<Cargo>(cargos =>
            from cargo in cargos
            where cargo.Delivery.UnloadedAtDestination
            select CaroArrived(cargo)

    private object CaroArrived(Cargo cargo)
        // handle event
        return null;

    private object MisdirectedCargo(Cargo cargo)
        // handle event
        return null;

We use RX to handle the linq processing over the events, and in EventsProcessor we have very little code, probably just:

    public class EventsProcessor
        private readonly List<Func<IObservable<object>, IObservable<object>>>  actions = new List<Func<IObservable<object>, IObservable<object>>>();

        protected void On<T>(Func<IObservable<T>, IObservable<object>> action)
            actions.Add(observable => action(observable.OfType<T>()));

        public void Execute(IObservable<object> observable)
            foreach (var action in actions)

Elsewhere in the code we setup the actual Obsersable that we pass to all the EventsProcessors. The major advantages that we have with this style is that we have a natural syntax to do selection on the events that interest us, including fairly complex one. We still have easy time of creating new EventsProcessors if we want, but because the code for defining the selection is so compact, we can usually put related stuff together, which is going to be very helpful for making sure that the codebase is readable.

And, naturally, this method extends itself to handling events of multiple types in the same place. For example, if we want to also handle the HandlingEvent, we can do it in place, because it is very much related to the Cargo, it seems.

time to read 4 min | 713 words

In my previous post, I spoke about ISP and how we can replace the following code with something that is easier to follow:


I proposed something like:

public interface IHappenOn<T>
   void Inspect(T item);

Which would be invoked using:


Or something like that.

Which lead us to the following code:

public class CargoArrived : IHappenedOn<Cargo>
  public void Inspect(Cargo cargo)
    if(cargo.Delivery.UnloadedAtDestination == false)
    // handle event

public class CargoMisdirected : IHappenedOn<Cargo>
  public void Inspect(Cargo cargo)
    if(cargo.Delivery.Misdirected == false)
    // handle event

public class CargoHandled : IHappenOn<HandlingEvent>
   // etc

public class EventRegistrationAttempt : IHappenedOn<HandlingEventRegistrationAttempt>
  // etc

But I don’t really like this code, to be perfectly frank. It seems to me like there isn’t really a good reason why CargoArrived and CargoMisdirected are located in different classes. It is likely that there is going to be a lot of commonalities between the different types of handling events on cargo. We might as well merge them together for now, giving us:

public class CargoHappened : IHappenedOn<Cargo>
  public void Inspect(Cargo cargo)
  public void CargoArrived(Cargo cargo)
    // handle event
  public void CargoMisdirected(Cargo cargo)
    //handle event

This code put a lot of the cargo handling in one place, making it easier to follow and understand. At the same time, the architecture gives us the option to split it to different classes at any time. We aren’t going to end up with a God class for Cargo handling. But as long as it make sense, we can keep them together.

I like this style of event processing, but we can probably do better job at if if we actually used event processing semantics here. I’ll discuss that in my next post.

time to read 4 min | 611 words

In my previous post, I explained why I really don’t the following.


public class CargoInspectionServiceImpl : ICargoInspectionService 
  // code redacted for simplicity

 public override void InspectCargo(TrackingId trackingId)
    Validate.NotNull(trackingId, "Tracking ID is required");

    Cargo cargo = cargoRepository.Find(trackingId);
    if (cargo == null)
      logger.Warn("Can't inspect non-existing cargo " + trackingId);

    HandlingHistory handlingHistory = handlingEventRepository.LookupHandlingHistoryOfCargo(trackingId);


    if (cargo.Delivery.Misdirected)

    if (cargo.Delivery.UnloadedAtDestination)


Now, let us see one proposed solution for that. We can drop the IApplicationEvents.CargoHasArrived and IApplicationEvents.CargoWasMisdirected, instead creating the following:

public interface IHappenOnCargoInspection
   void Inspect(Cargo cargo);

We can have multiple implementations of this interface, such as this one:

public class MidirectedCargo : IHappenOnCargoInspection
   public void Inspect(Cargo cargo)
        if(cargo.Delivery.Misdirected == false)

        // code to handle misdirected cargo.

In a similar fashion, we would have a CargoArrived implementation, and the ICargoInspectionService would be tasked with managing the implementation of IHappenOnCargoInspection, probably through a container. Although I would probably replace it with something like:


All in all, it is a simple method, but it means that now the responsibility to detect and act is centralized in each cargo inspector implementation. If the detection of misdirected cargo is changed, we know that there is just one place to make that change. If we need a new behavior, for example, for late cargo, we can do that by introducing a new class, which implement the interface. That gives us the Open Closed Principle.

This is better, but I still don’t like it. There are better methods than that, but we will discuss them in another post.


  1. RavenDB 7.1: Shared Journals - 2 days from now

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  1. RavenDB 7.1 (4):
    14 Feb 2025 - Reclaiming disk space
  2. Challenge (77):
    03 Feb 2025 - Giving file system developer ulcer
  3. Answer (13):
    22 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
  4. Production post-mortem (2):
    17 Jan 2025 - Inspecting ourselves to death
  5. Performance discovery (2):
    10 Jan 2025 - IOPS vs. IOPS
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