Directory icons
Since people got into RavenDb’s data directory and started messing around with things, I decided that I might as well try to stop them. Now, I can’t really stop anyone, but I can make it clear that the Data directory is off limit.
I decided to do it by giving the RavenDB directory its own icon. That led me toward a journey to understand exactly how the desktop.ini works. Eventually, I got this:
public class CreateFolderIcon : IStartupTask { public void Execute(DocumentDatabase database) { var dataDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(database.Configuration.DataDirectory); var desktopIni = Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "desktop.ini"); var icon = Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "raven-data.ico"); if (File.Exists(desktopIni) && File.Exists(icon)) return; using (var iconFile = typeof(CreateFolderIcon).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Raven.Database.Server.WebUI.raven-data.ico")) { File.WriteAllBytes(icon, iconFile.ReadData()); } File.WriteAllText(desktopIni, string.Format(@" [.ShellClassInfo] IconResource={0},0 [ViewState] Mode= Vid= FolderType=Generic ", icon)); File.SetAttributes(desktopIni, FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Archive); File.SetAttributes(dataDirectory, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } }
And now the RavenDB data directory looks like:
A few things to note:
- This isn’t exactly what I envisioned as the usage scenario for startup tasks.
- You have to use set the attributes on the desktop.ini to hidden, system & archive for it to work.
- You have to set the attributes on the directory to read only. The documentation says that you need to call PathMakeSystemFolder, but you can just use File.SetAttributes (remember, a directory is a file, when all is said and done).
I think that this is cool, a bit useless, but cool. A bit of polish for the way RavenDB behaves.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
you said "ViewState"
ha ha ha ha ha
I was wondering if structured storage would be worth considering? It also has options to encrypt doesn't it?
I have no personal experience of it so I am not recommending it, just wondering if you had considered it and if so why you opted not to use it?
You are suffering from the mysql people... They are used to wading through the data directory of their DB and just messing things up.
You don't need to hide the icon as well?
// Ryan
The big question to me is: WHY are people fiddling around with RavenDB data files?!
Frank: Who knows, stupidity perhaps. Mind bloggling that someone can say they forcefully deleted data files and they noticed their data was now missing.
Or you could name the data folder ".raven" or ".data". But that isn't just as cool.
That would:
a) not give me an icon
b) not stop the user from thinking about this as a directory
@Frank, agreed,
It makes me sad that you need to do work to stop people from being idiots. I thought that programmers were generally on the high side of the bell curve.
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