The cost of abstraction - Part II

time to read 2 min | 263 words

Sasha pointed out that I should also test what happens when you are using multiply implementation of the interface, vs. direct calls. This is important because of JIT optimizations with regards to interface calls that always resolve to the same instance.

Here is the code:

class Program
	public static void Main(string[] args)
		//warm up
		PerformOp(new List<string>(101));
		PerformOp(new NullList());
		List<long> times = new List<long>();

		Stopwatch startNew = new Stopwatch();
		for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
			PerformOp(new List<string>(101));
			PerformOp(new NullList());

	private static void PerformOp(List<string> strings)
		for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)

	private static void PerformOp(NullList strings)
		for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
			if (strings.Count > 100)

And the results are:

  • IList<T> - 5789 milliseconds
  • List<string>, NullList - 3941 millseconds

Note that this is significantly higher than the previous results, because no we run the results two hundred million times.

Individual method call here costs:

  • IList<T> - 0.0000289489
  • List<string>, NullList - 0.0000197096

We now have a major difference between the two calls. When we had a single impl of the interface, the difference between the two was: 0.00000406 milliseconds.

With multiple implementations, the difference between the two methods is: 0.0000092393 milliseconds. Much higher than before, and still less than a microsecond.