Projections Support In Active Record
So, I have been a busy implementing crazy generics stuff and I can show you this:
public class ProjectionQuery<ARType> : ProjectionQuery<ARType, object[]>
Neat class, isn't it?
What can you do with it? Well, things like this:
ProjectionQuery<Blog> proj = new ProjectionQuery<Blog>(
Projections.Property("Name"), Projections.Property("Author"));
IList<object[]> results = proj.Execute();
Assert.AreEqual(blog.Name, results[0][0]);
Assert.AreEqual(blog.Author, results[0][1]);
Now you have got a list or arrays, which contains just the Name and Author from the Blog entity. This used to be much harder and involved writing HQL code (which can be a bummer, since I insist on putting all the HQL code in the mapping files, and not concatenating HQL).
It still has a major issue for me, and that is the fact that I need to work with untyped arrays, not fun, and I simple hate to work with numeric indices. Therefor, let us try this version:
public class ProjectionQuery<ARType, TResultItem> : IActiveRecordQuery
What does this allows me to do? Well, you can write the above snippet of code as:
ProjectionQuery<Blog, KeyValuePair<string, string>> proj = new ProjectionQuery<Blog, KeyValuePair<string, string>>(
Projections.Property("Name"), Projections.Property("Author"));
IList<KeyValuePair<string, string>> results = proj.Execute();
Assert.AreEqual(blog.Name, results[0].Key);
Assert.AreEqual(blog.Author, results[0].Value);
Notice that we suddenly have a strongly typed (if generic) way of accessing the information. In fact, in this case, a small, dedicated, class is what I would use. So I could do this:
ProjectionQuery<Blog, NameAndAuthor> proj = new ProjectionQuery<Blog, NameAndAuthor>(
Projections.Property("Name"), Projections.Property("Author"));
IList<NameAndAuthor> results = proj.Execute();
Assert.AreEqual(blog.Name, results[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual(blog.Author, results[0].Author);
Much, much, nicer, in my opinion. :-)
And yes, there is more suprises in the pipeline :-)
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