Guids are evil nasty little creatures that make me cry

time to read 2 min | 305 words

You might have noticed that I don’t like Guids all that much. Guids seems like a great solution when you need to generate an id for something. And then reality intervenes, and you have a non understandable system problem.

Leaving aside the size of the Guid, or the fact that it is not sequential, two pretty major issues with an identifier, the major problem is that it is pretty much opaque for the users.

This was recently thrown in my face again as part of a question in the RavenDB mailing list. Take a look at the following documents. Do you think that those two documents belong to the same category or not?


One of the problems that we discovered was that the user was searching for category 4bf58dd8d48988d1c5941735, and the document had category was 4bf58dd8d48988d14e941735. And it drove everyone crazy about how could it be that this wasn’t working.

Here are those Guids again:

  • 4bf58dd8d48988d1c5941735
  • 4bf58dd8d48988d14e941735

Do you see it? I’m going to be putting some visual space and show you the difference.
























Here they are:

  • 4bf58dd8d48988d1c5941735
  • 4bf58dd8d48988d14e941735

And if that isn’t enough for you to despise Guids. Feel free to read them to someone else over the phone, or try to find them in a log file. Especially when you have to deal with several of those dastardly things.

I have a cloud machine dedicated to generating and disposing Guids, I hope that in a few thousands years, I can kill them all.